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vol.28 número2La homeopatía como propuesta válida para la atención primaria de saludAspectos biopsicosociales que inciden en la salud del adulto mayor índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral

versión impresa ISSN 0864-2125


CASTELLANOS PUERTO, Edelis. Physical exercises and immunology in elderly. Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr [online]. 2012, vol.28, n.2, pp. 72-78. ISSN 0864-2125.

We review literature on the topic of aging immune system (immunosenescence) common in the elderly and regular physical exercise, to know today's issue, due to the progressive aging of world population. Immunosenescence is characterized by a number of immune changes, chronic diseases, increased susceptibility to infections, tumor diseases and autoimmune diseases, which pose a threat to these individuals, although important therapeutic strategies for treatments have been identified in these ages, such as the regular practice of moderate physical exercise. From the immunological point of view, the elder subjects who do not physical exercise, have reduced most of their biomarkers of cellular and humoral functions with reduced lymphocyte quantity and quality of survival of T and B cells; also these subjects have low self-esteem at times, malnutrition and chronic diseases with structural deformities. However, we conclude that the implementation of healthy lifestyles, and the regular practice of physical exercise may attenuate the consequences of this process, and provide a therapeutic alternative in many cases.

Palabras clave : immune system; exercise; elderly; lifestyles.

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