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Educación Médica Superior
versión On-line ISSN 1561-2902
GARCIA BACALLAO, Elsa; JORGE FERNANDEZ, Miriam; GARCIA BACALLAO, Lourdes y PEREZ SUAREZ, Jorge. Educational hypercontext for learning of pediatric gastroenterology. Educ Med Super [online]. 2015, vol.29, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-2902.
Computer Science, as a teaching tool, has extended the use of educational software to solve difficulties in the teaching-learning process. The accelerated development of information determined the need of creating an educational hypercontext to support teaching and learning of pediatric gastroenterology contents during the specialization course on Gastroenterology. A literature review was carried out on information and communication technologies, contemporary pedagogical approaches, educational software and hypercontexts, particularly Chreasoft. Through surveys to residents and interviews of professors, it was possible to determine the learning requirements of residents in pediatrics specialization. Finally, it was decided to include topics such as polyps and polyp syndromes, and inflammatory bowel diseases. The resulting educational hypercontext allows having access to updated information, galleries, interactive exercises and supplementary bibliography.
Palabras clave : educational software; educational context; pediatric gastroenterology; polyps and polyposis syndromes; inflammatory bowell diseases.