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vol.29 número2La educación de posgrado en las universidades médicas cubanas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Educación Médica Superior

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2902


ORAMAS DIAZ, Jehová  y  SANTANA ARROYO, Sonia. Systematic reviews and Cochrane collaboration -methodological aspects. Educ Med Super [online]. 2015, vol.29, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-2902.

Carrying out of systematic reviews has methodological complexities and limitations. Their identification, selection and critical appraisal are also professional and academic challenges. The objectives of this review was to stress some of these complexities and to provide update on methodological aspects and their application in other fields and finally to call upon the need of developing competencies in the information management area. Biases and complexities in the preparation of a systematic review or a meta-analysis were underlined. Novel methodological elements about the evidence-based medicine and the Cochrane Collaboration were addressed. Finally, the importance of systematic reviews, the biases in their preparation and the use of methods and techniques facilitating critical reading and production of reviews were underscored. The Cochrane Cooperation is encouraging a number of initiatives to improve the methodology of reviews and the development of clinical practice guidelines.

Palabras clave : systematic review; review; meta-nalysis; evidence based medicine; Cochrane Collaboration.

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