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vol.37 número3Las competencias emocionales en la formación médica: una revisión sistemáticaAprendizaje significativo y su aplicación en la educación médica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Educación Médica Superior

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2902


QUINTANA RODRIGUEZ, Maykel; HERNANDEZ CAMPOALEGRE, Michel; HERNANDEZ AVILES, Gretell Raquel  y  GONZALEZ LEON, Tania. Interdisciplinarity in Minimally Invasive Urologic Surgery. REMS [online]. 2023, vol.37, n.3  Epub 01-Sep-2023. ISSN 1561-2902.


Interdisciplinarity results from implementing several disciplines, allowing to address the object of study comprehensively, as well as promote the development of new interventions to solve problems. In the field of medicine, it involves the contribution of various disciplines and the participation of specialists from different areas, integrating the thinking from different professions or technologies to achieve a common result.


To present a comprehensive perspective of how interdisciplinarity has allowed the development of minimally invasive surgery in the specialty of urology.


A systematic and critical review was carried out with reported articles on interdisciplinarity in the field of minimally invasive surgery, in Spanish and English, from 2005 to 2022, in Web sites (PubMed, SciELO, MedLine, Lilacs and Science Direct). Twenty-two of the consulted articles were referenced.


The reported and consulted evidence offers a comprehensive perspective of the various interventions certifying interdisciplinarity in the field of minimally invasive urologic surgery, which strengthens the curricular framework of the specialty and allows to achieve a significant level of professionalism, evidenced through excellent professional performance.

Palabras clave : urology; technologies; disciplines.

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