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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología

versión impresa ISSN 0864-215X


CEBALLOS MESA, Alfredo; BALMASEDA MANENT, Roberto; RIVERO HERNANDEZ, Julio  y  PEDROSO CANTO, Mario. Osteoporosis and osteosynthesis. Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol [online]. 2012, vol.26, n.1, pp. 98-108. ISSN 0864-215X.

Introduction: the clinical manifestations of osteoporosis include fractures due to a loss of bone mass and structural changes in trabeculae. In these cases the osteosynthesis is affected by the mechanical factors inherent to procedure and to implants. Objective: to show the cautions that orthopedist must to take into account at selecting the type of osteosynthesis (internal or external) and the implants to be used. Methods: a review of the different cautions in orthopedic surgery on vertebral fractures and long bones was carried out as well as its osteosynthesis according to the instrumental, the implant and operative procedure. Results: it is emphasize on the incorporated advances, specially the minimally invasive systems of bone stabilization, the use of implants with "bolts" and nails covering or coating with calcium hydroxyapatite and wires for external fixation. Conclusion: the early, definitive and effective osteosynthesis is the choice treatment in porous fractures.

Palabras clave : osteosynthesis; implants; hydroxyapatite; diaphysis; metaphysis.

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