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vol.19 número1Integración del facochop en la moderna cirugía de cataratas: técnica de multichopResultados de la técnica de karate prechop en la cirugía de catarata por facoemulsificación: Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología “Ramón Pando Ferrer”, 2002-2004 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Oftalmología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3070


HERNANDEZ SILVA, Juan Raúl et al. Phacoemulsification applied to special cases in “Ramon Pando Ferrer” Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology, 2002-2005. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2006, vol.19, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3070.

Cataract surgery has come to an improvement level that today there are no barriers to phacoemulsification. Our main reason for this paper is to study the results achieved in special cases and their performance in our context. The special cases cover severe myopia and hypermetrophy, refractive postsurgery, small pupilla, uveitis, congenital cataract, subluxed cataract, trauma, hypermature cataract, vitrectomy-combined cataract, penetrating keratoplasty and glaucoma. In all these cases, phacoemulsification techniques has been upgraded and auxiliary instruments have been introduced to contribute to surgical success and to reduce to minimum eye surgery complications that are potentially complex in the preoperative phase. Among the most frequent causes of small pupillae are the occurence of miotic agents, exfoliative syndrome, Horner´s syndrome secondary to trauma and inflammation. A prospective cross-sectional descriptive study was undertaken in a universe of 39 patients (eyes) seen at the Ocular Microsurgery Center of “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. They had been selected through a simple randomized sampling and their average age was 61 years. The majority of patients presented with hard crystalline lens and low average time of ultrasound application. Average preoperative and postoperative visual acuity with correction significantly improved by 4 lines of Snellen´s chart. Surgically-induced astigmatism was low. Finally, the complications were analyzed, the accidents occured during surgery were detailed and the rupture of posterior capsula and vitreous detachment were the most frequent events found

Palabras clave : Phacoemulsification; cataract.

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