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vol.32 número4Ética, tecnología y clínicaResponsabilidad y solidaridad en las relaciones sanitarias en Cuba índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3127


LLORENS FIGUEROA, José A. Ethics and education in health services. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2006, vol.32, n.4, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-3127.

The social development and the scientific/technical revolution have brought about radical changes in the concept of medicine in Cuba. The need of being more efficient in the quality of healthcare services has prompted the setting of new organizational models for the national healthcare system. However, there are still subjective deficiencies that negatively affect a higher quality care. It is urgently required that medical ethics be carefully refurbished in order to face the new controversies that developing medical technology and health policies bring to the performance of physician and health management. According to Cuba´s conditions, there certainly exists medical ethics with a different approach. It is the ethics of the health team as a whole where the physician is the leader but all the members are accountable to the health organization, the society, the patient, the family and the community as well. In that way, a two-way interaction between the health team and the rest of the community actors emerged. Furthermore, changes in the physician-patient relationship were included. One solution to this problem would be the implementation of assistance performance protocols with a view to raising the quality of care. The value of solidarity is the main virtue that should be learned by the physician and the health professionals to be appplied in all professional practice actions both at domestic and international contexts

Palabras clave : Ethics; medical ethics; medical education; health services; quality; excellence; solidarity.

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