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vol.35 número4Caracterización de pacientes hipertensos no dispensarizados que acuden a un servicio de urgenciasPercepción de familias y trabajadores, sobre el Centro de Rehabilitación Integral Pediátrico "Senén Casas Regueiro" índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3127


PUPO AVILA, Noria Liset  y  CARVAJAL RODRIGUEZ, Cirelda. Methodological strategy for the formation of girls and boys as health promoters within their families. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2009, vol.35, n.4, pp. 139-153. ISSN 1561-3127.

Introduction The formation of girls and boys as health promoters within the Health Promotion School contributes to modifying the unfavourable elements for the health conditions at home. Objectives To diagnose the situation of the process of formation of girls and boys as health promoters in a Health Promotion School and to design a methodological strategy to make this formation feasible. Methods Qualitative research methods prevailed like expert´s criteria, literature review and situational diagnosis in "Gonzalo de Quesada" elementary school in the City of Havana that involved students, parents, teachers, members of the managing council and selected experts. Results There was not a previous methodological proposal for the formation of children as health promoters; in many cases teachers must be trained to form children as promoters; the actions of students in this field predominated at the school but not outside; the changes in the managing council of the schools go against the implementation and follow-up of this process. Conclusions The formation of students as health promoters is encouraged by the organizational conditions existing in the health promotion health; however, the instructions to implement this process are not enough for the leading staff and the teachers as well. Risk factors are identified in most of the families. The students have knowledge on the health topics but they do not have enough abilities to take actions as health promoters at home. A methodological strategy is designed as a useful tool in the formation of girls and boys as health promoters in their households, which may have positive impact on the change of lifestyles of the population.

Palabras clave : Health promotion; methodological strategy; students as health promoters.

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