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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versión impresa ISSN 0864-3466


CASTANEDA ABASCAL, Ileana Elena; DIAZ BERNAL, Zoe  y  ARTILES VISBAL, Leticia. The Gender and Health Network ALAMES-Cuba as a supporting mechanism of the national healthcare system. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2014, vol.40, n.1, pp. 136-143. ISSN 0864-3466.

The Gender and Collective Health Network of Cuba (ALAMES) is a social network for action. Its contributions are directed to increasingly introduce the gender perspective into the national health care system of Cuba, so that the health condition of the population could equitably improve. This paper was intended to share the main work results and projections of this network. For this purpose, a documentary analysis of the reports and relator's accounts was made. The Network keeps its relevance in making contributions to the national health care system as a support for the transversalization of gender in the sector, additionally, it has made possible to join the efforts of its members and participating institutions expressed in gender-focused teaching and scientific outcomes;the creation of web pages and the definition of the priority work lines were all shown. The work projections are centered in quality management with gender focus, gender violence and sexual and reproductive health and sexual diversity, and will be materialized in research studies and scientific literature production, all of which will be encouraged through the virtual network actions and the face-to-face meetings. This network achieves space relationship between people in charge of creating mechanisms aiming to gender equity in health.

Palabras clave : network; gender; health.

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