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Revista de Protección Vegetal
versión On-line ISSN 2224-4697
MIRANDA, Ileana; BANOS, Heyker; MARTINEZ, María de los A y ALEMAN, J. THEORETICAL MODEL OF Diaphorina citri KUWAYANA (HEMIPTERA: PSYLLIDAE) IN INTERACTION WITH ITS NATURAL ENEMIES. Rev. Protección Veg. [online]. 2008, vol.23, n.2, pp. 126-130. ISSN 2224-4697.
The simulation of the dynamic population from a mathematical model facilitates taking decisions in the integrated pest management. The final dynamic model, used in the simulation, comes from a first theoretical model that describes the greatest number of population interactions with other individuals and/or the environment. The present work presents the first theoretical model for Diaphorina citri, effective vector of Liberibacter sp., causal agent of huanglogbing (HLB), in the interaction with its natural enemies. The algebraic analysis of the stability condition of the differential equations representing the model demonstrated that the number of Tamarixia radiata females, necessary to maintain the ecological balance, depends on the quantity of healthy buds present in the plant. These results are the first studies guided to model the interaction of D. citri with its natural enemies and they constitute a theoretical base to achieve an effective presage of psillido densities when facing the disease.
Palabras clave : dynamic model; Diaphorina citri; Tamarixia radiata; balance point.