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vol.18 número5La revolución científico - técnica en la educación de los tecnólogos de la saludProducción científica de la Universidad de La Habana en el Web of Science, 2000 - 2006 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1024-9435


COLLYMORE RODRIGUEZ, Andrea; ARENCIBIA JORGE, Ricardo; BLANCO GARCIA, Armando  y  ARAUJO RUIZ, Juan A.. World scientific production on biodiesel. ACIMED [online]. 2008, vol.18, n.5, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1024-9435.

The current paper is a bibliometric study of the world scientific production on biodiesel compiled in the Web of Science, in order to identify the most productive authors, countries, institutions and journals; as well as the languages of the articles, documental typology, ISI subject categories, and keywords presented in the registries. It was obtained a total of 1022 articles, signed by 1857 authors. The co-authorship index was 3.04. The papers were published in 232 journals. A total of 565 institutions from 56 countries were identified. An exponential growth of the scientific production during the last 15 years was observed.

Palabras clave : Biodiesel; state of the art; scientific production; metric indicators.

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