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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versión On-line ISSN 1025-0255


SANCHEZ HERNANDEZ, Cristina del Rocío; RIVADENEYRA-ESPINOZA, Liliana  y  ARISTIL CHERY, Pierre Mitchel. Quality of life in patients on hemodialysis in a public hospital of Puebla, Mexico. AMC [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.3, pp. 262-270. ISSN 1025-0255.

Introduction: the evaluation of the quality of life related to health has assumed importance in the practice of medicine, as an indicator of the different treatments’ qualities and their results. In patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis as a kidney replacement therapy improves survival, but not necessarily what the person thinks about quality of life. Objective: to establish the level of quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis and the area (physical, psychological health, social relations, the environment) in which low levels are presented. Methods: a non-experimental, transversal, and descriptive design was used.  A non-probabilistic sample of convenience was carried out. The study was composed of 67 patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease, admitted in a hemodialysis unit of a public hospital in Puebla. Whogol-bref instrument was applied to them. Information was ordered in Excel and SPSS program was used to do statistical tests. Results: patients with kidney replacement treatment on hemodialysis had a low quality of life 23, 88 % and a medium 76, 12 %. The less affected domain was the psychological with 67, 01 points and the most affected one was the physical with 60, 76 %. The domain strongly related to quality of life was social relations (p=0, 000). Conclusion: patients on hemodialysis have a middle-low quality of life and the most affected area is physical. However, there is more correlation with social relations. The better social relation is, the better quality of life the patient gains.


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