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Biotecnología Aplicada

versión On-line ISSN 1027-2852


NGUYEN, Cam Anh et al. Factors influencing adsorption of Dermatophagoides siboney allergen extract into aluminum adjuvants. Biotecnol Apl [online]. 2010, vol.27, n.4, pp. 286-290. ISSN 1027-2852.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy consists in periodic administration of allergen vaccines, particularly from House Dust Mites (HDM), for desensitization and amelioration of allergic symptoms. The mite Dermatophagoides siboney has been commonly found in house dust in the Caribbean and it is associated to allergic asthma. In order to obtain a HDM vaccine containing aluminum adjuvant that can satisfy the requirements of consistency and immunogenicity, a lyophilized allergen extract of D. siboney was adsorbed into aluminum hydroxide (AH) and aluminum phosphate (AP) gels, aiming to establish the parameters that determine the highest adsorption capacity. Allergen adsorption was measured by total protein assays and by Der s 1 allergen-specific MAb-ELISA. Immunological potency was assessed in BALB/c mice. The results showed that AH had better adsorption capacity when compared to AP. The best adsorption conditions using AH were: 0.9% NaCl at pH 8 in 30 min. Sodium phosphate - buffered solution had negative effect to the allergen adsorption into AH, when used during the process or added later. The within-batch consistency of the adsorption process in the absence of buffer was demonstrated as well as the immunogenicity of this formulation, regarding induction of allergen-specific IgG antibodies.

Palabras clave : Vaccine formulation; allergens; adsorption process; aluminum adjuvants; phosphate buffer.

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