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Biotecnología Aplicada

versión On-line ISSN 1027-2852


GALVAN, José A et al. Screening for celiac disease in a healthy Cuban children cohort from Pinar del Río province. Biotecnol Apl [online]. 2010, vol.27, n.4, pp. 291-293. ISSN 1027-2852.

Recent studies suggest that celiac disease is common in many developing countries. Taking into account the disease may be underdiagnosed in Cuba, the main objectives of this study were to assess the presence of celiac disease related to antibodies in a cohort of apparently healthy children from Pinar del Río province and to evaluate a new rapid test for detecting celiac disease antibody in blood, serum and plasma samples. A total of 595 apparently healthy children with no record of first degree relatives suffering from celiac disease, were screened for Tissue transglutaminase antibodies by one-step immunochromatographic. The results were compared with commercials ELISA kits. In the study seven subjects (1.18%) were identified as positive by immunochomatographic assay and by Celikey IgG Antibody Assay with a 100% of concordance and only five subjects (0.84%) by Celikey IgA Antibody Assay. The achievement of the intestinal biopsy was offered to all positive individuals. This study demonstrates that one-step immunochromatographic assay is an appropriate tool to detect celiac disease-associated to antibodies and provides further evidence of the prevalence of possible undiagnosed celiac disease among healthy children in Cuba.

Palabras clave : Celiac disease; anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies; immunochromatographic; prevalence; biopsy; Cuba.

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