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Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales

versión On-line ISSN 1028-4796


ACOSTA DE LA LUZ, Lérida. Producción de plantas medicinales a pequeña escala: una necesidad de la Comunidad. Rev Cubana Plant Med [online]. 2001, vol.6, n.2, pp. 62-66. ISSN 1028-4796.

The domestic cultivation of medicinal species was studied as well as the significance of traditional homely orchards, as one of the oldest cultivation systems used in the world for small-scale production in the community. This study shows how at present in the face of the problem of environmetal pollution Programs of Environmental Pollution and Sustained Development are implemented, in which community projects are promoted and where these plants play a key role. It is considered that they should fulfill a series of agroecological functions due to their diversity, structure and character. It has been proved that their importance lies on the fact that they are a personal and cultural expression of the local inhabitants, as well as a manifestation of the knowledge about the techniques of management and use of the species. It was stressed the location of the plants in the selected ground, taking advantage of the different conditions of the area. Recommendations on the design of the orchards were made, considering the pecularities of the plants for their distribution. Authors advise on the use of Permaculture design, a present trend based on the philosophy of taking care of nature, cultivating in the same possible space with a high biodiversity and an intensive exploitation of the land, plants, microclimate, water an energy saving, and where all the elements act in different directions. Potential species that may be part of the orchards were also presented and it was informed how to fight insects, nematodes and diseases by using attractive antagonistic plants. It was demonstrated how medicinal plants in the community setting may be a strategy of sustained development and solve cultural, social and economic problems.

Palabras clave : PLANTS, MEDICINAL; PLANT EXTRTACTS [therapeutic use]; MEDICINE, HERBAL; CROPS, AGRICULTURAL [growth & development]; SEED [growth & development].

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