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Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales

versión On-line ISSN 1028-4796


CHALALA VAZQUEZ, Madeline et al. Control of quality of the homeopathic tincture of Capsicum annuum L. Rev Cubana Plant Med [online]. 2005, vol.10, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1028-4796.

The purpose of this paper was to obtain the tincture of Capsicum annuum L. by the method of the French school at a titer of ethanol 90 % and to establish its quality indexes, such as: organoleptic characteristics, capillary image, refraction index, relative density, pH, ethanol titer and percentage of dry residue. Identification reactions were made to detect the presence of carotenoids and to determine the vanadate test. A profile of the tincture was standardized by thin layer chromatography. In all the batches obtained, the quality indexes were within the limits established by the pharmacopeias taken as reference. A study was conducted to determine the time of useful life of the tincture for a year at room temperature in amber glass flasks of 30 mL. It was proved that it conserved its optimum characteristics under these conditions, and that its microbe count was under the permissible levels during the whole experiment. These results showed that it is really possible to obtain this tincture in Cuba with a quality similar to that demanded by the official homeopathic pharmacopeias.

Palabras clave : Capsicum annuum L.; homeopathic tincture.

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