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Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales

versión On-line ISSN 1028-4796


PUERTAS-MEJIA, Miguel A; RIOS-SALAZAR, Jhon D  y  SAEZ-VEGA, Jairo A. In vitro antioxidant activity of extracts from Polygala sp. stems. Rev Cubana Plant Med [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.4, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1028-4796.

INTRODUCTION: from long time ago, the use of natural extracts with therapeutical properties has been very important for control of many human and plant diseases. From the medicinal point of view some reports are studied in relation to biological activity of Polygala sp. species. It entails that this plant may be a promissory source of compounds having a high level of antioxidant activity. OBJECTIVE: to isolate, identify and assess the antioxidant extracts activity and of some of its constituents. METHODS: dried and pulverized stems of Poygala sp. underwent a percolation with methanol and dichloromethane; respective extracts underwent a column chromatography and two compounds were isolated and identified by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Antioxidant potential was determined on the base of trapping ability of stable radical 2,2-diphenyl -1-picrylhydraziyl. RESULTS: study of chemical composition of stem extracts allowed us to identify two lignins type 2,7-cyclolignans-9 olides, identified as a- and b-peltatin. CONCLUSIONS: data from this study demonstrate that all assessed samples have antioxidant properties supporting the traditional use of Polygala spp. for the treatment of different diseases.

Palabras clave : Polygala sp; natural oxidants; DPPH· trial; peltatine; cyclolignans.

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