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vol.15 número1Infecciones de transmisión sexual: ¿Qué conocía sobre este problema de salud un grupo de adolescentes del Centro Urbano "José Martí"? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


TOIRAC LAMARQUE, Abelardo Salvador et al. S hemoglobinopathies and pregnancy. Outcomes in newly born. MEDISAN [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1029-3019.

Procreation in women with hemoglobinopathy S-type is a serious reproductive health problem that in Cuba has required a sustained, differentiated and multidisciplinary care during 25 years, therefore a specific protocol of comprehensive medical work was designed and implemented in the territory. In this article the authors described the perinatal outcomes and their statistical value considered by them very satisfactory, taking into account what was described in the references on the topic.

Palabras clave : hemoglobinopathy S-type; drepanocytosis; pregnancy; newly born.

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