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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


POUYMIRO BROOKS, Yalili; POUYMIRO BROOKS, Iarmila  y  POUYMIRO PUBILLONES, Pedro Omar. Mitral valve replacement due to mycotic endocarditis. MEDISAN [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.7, pp. 1008-1013. ISSN 1029-3019.

A case report of a child aged 15 months who underwent several infections (i.e. due to Candida albicans) and other complications during the neonatal stage is presented. However, he could not receive the complete treatment against systemic candidiasis because of an impairment of liver function. Subsequently, mitral valve was replaced when detecting mycotic endocarditis. In addition, while being hospitalized for the last time, he underwent bronchial spasm associated with bacterial pneumonia, deficiency anemia, mild isotonic dehydration, non-respiratory acidosis, and mixed immunodeficiency which caused multiple organ failure and death the day after his hospital admission.

Palabras clave : child; mycotic endocarditis; mitral valve replacement; multiple organ failure; children hospital; children mortality.

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