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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


VIDAL LOPEZ, Ernesto Hermilio; MONTOYA RIVERA, Jorge; FUENTES SEISDEDOS, Liana  y  VIDAL ANIDO, Hermilio J. Human being: an objective of Psychiatry and the basic anthropological aspects. MEDISAN [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.7, pp. 1027-1033. ISSN 1029-3019.

Psychiatry requires some other epistemological panoramas of observation, out of its biomedical diagram, in order to comprehend the individual completely. That is why psychiatry meets medical anthropology, which provides the scientific knowledge about the human being as a healthy, sick, and mortal subject who may get ill or cured starting from a new configuration: anthropsychiatry. It allows going beyond the disease, that is to say, transcending up to its sphere of person and understanding the truth of a concrete human existence, which is shown in the physical, psychical, moral, spiritual, and cultural life. This epistemological and praxiological characterization justifies the need to develop an anthropsychiatric professional training model for psychiatry specialization.

Palabras clave : cultural anthropology; psychiatry and anthropology; post-graduate teaching; psychiatric epistemology; professional training model.

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