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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


TEJEDA DILOU, Yoni; DEL RIO MONIER, Yamira; LARDOEYT FERRER, Roberto  y  NUNEZ COPO, Antonio César. Proposal of a preventive-educative strategy for the interaction genoma-environment in the emergence of diabetes mellitus type 2. MEDISAN [online]. 2013, vol.17, n.7, pp. 1095-2003. ISSN 1029-3019.

An analytic cases and controls study of the patients born from 1928 to 1979 with diabetes mellitus type 2, belonging to «José Martí Pérez» Teaching Polyclinic was carried out in Santiago de Cuba from January to June, 2012, in order to propose an educational preventive strategy for the interaction genoma-environment in the affected patients. Seventy six cases and 152 controls were selected by means of a single random sampling and the technique of density through mating (2:1), according to age, sex and residence place. A predisposing genoma with adverse environmental factors was obtained in the emergence of the disease, although an appropriate perception of the risk of becoming sick existed in the controls and a high knowledge on the complications of the mentioned disorder in the cases; therefore, the proposed strategy can contribute to elevate the knowledge of the genetic and environmental risk factors associated with the diabetes mellitus type 2, as well as to decrease the incidence of the disease in this health area.

Palabras clave : diabetes mellitus type 2; interaction genoma-environment; genetic and environmental factors; family aggregation; primary health care.

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