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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


ROMAGUERA BARROSO, Danilo et al. Some specificities about primary neoplasms of the hepatobiliopancreatic segment. MEDISAN [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.11, pp. 1373-1385. ISSN 1029-3019.

Nowadays there are many approaches about the surgical and clinical-epidemiological characteristics of the primary neoplasms in the hepatobiliopancreatic segment, that constitutes a true scientific problem, for its high rates of lethality and mortality, so it is very important to identify the prognosis factors of complications and deaths, inherent in this clinical entity, in order to elaborate a performance protocol and good practice. Everything is justified by the necessity to deepen in the main cognitive aspects related to this topic, since just counting on highly specialized work teams, the assistance quality will be higher, therefore, the survival rate of those who present that terrible disease

Palabras clave : liver neoplasm; biliary access; pancreas; surgical treatment; chemotherapy; secondary health care.

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