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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


ROSALES GUIBERT, Edis A  y  GUERRA CEPENA, Eulices. Dr. Orlando Juan Ramos Prevez: eminent cardiologist and military physician. MEDISAN [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.3, pp. 383-385. ISSN 1029-3019.

Remarkable aspects of Dr. Orlando Juan Ramos Prevez life are ennobled, distinguished university professor, cardiologist and strength of spirit in the Cuban military medicine, Instructor and Consultant Professor of the University of Medical Sciences in Santiago de Cuba. His solid scientific training, tireless life of revolutionary fighter, official and physician is also highlighted that with a deep patriotic sense, marks an indelible influence in the assistance, investigation and higher medical teaching, protected work with an altruistic thought in training several generations of medical sciences professionals

Palabras clave : university professor; cardiology; military medicine; University of Medical Sciences.

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