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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


FONSECA RODRIGUEZ, Gumersindo; VALENZUELA RODRIGUEZ, Carlos Rafael; PERRAND ROBERT, María Victoria  y  COSME CASULO, Jorge. Most used economic terms in health. MEDISAN [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.6, pp. 749-774. ISSN 1029-3019.

Five hundred and twenty five economic terms alphabetically organized are offered, the majority of them are commonly used in health; some of them have been updated by the authors according to the changes of economy in the current moments, which can contribute to enrich the culture of students, professors and workers not directly linked to the economic sphere, but that participate of it indirectly. The use of a series of words in the Guidelines of the Party and Revolution Economic and Social Politics approved in the VI Congress of the Cuban Communist Party, that were not commonly used in this country due to its socioeconomic difference with the prevailing economy in the world, constituted the fundamental reason for making this glossary

Palabras clave : Health Economy; economic terms; world economy.

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