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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019
ALVAREZ LOPEZ, Alejandro; FUENTES VEJAR, Rodrigo; SOTO CARRASCO, Sergio Ricardo y GARCIA LORENZO, Yenima de la Caridad. Some considerations on the trochleoplasty of distal femur. MEDISAN [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.1, pp. 134-144. Epub 18-Feb-2020. ISSN 1029-3019.
The poor patellofemoral alignment has multiple anatomical causes and one of them is the dysplasia of the distal femur trochlea, reason why its treatment depends on several factors. To deepen in the essential elements of the trochleoplasty technique, an exhaustive literature review was carried out where some aspects of interest were analyzed, that is: most used classification for the trochlear dysplasias, most important imagenologic elements, indications of the surgical technique, contraindications, main modalities of trochleoplasty and surgical approaches. It was concluded that this is a procedure with very specific indications and can be carried out by means of open surgery or arthroscopic way.
Palabras clave : poor patellofemoral alignment; distal femur dysplasia; trochlear dysplasia; computerized axial tomography.