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Correo Científico Médico

versión On-line ISSN 1560-4381


VALDES SILVA, Yaimara; SANCHEZ RAMIREZ, Eliset  y  FUENTES ARENCIBIA, Santiago. Congenital malformations related to teratogenic agents. ccm [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.4, pp. 652-666. ISSN 1560-4381.

Teratogenic agents have become a social problem. Many drugs, medications and chemical substances can cross the placental barrier, with adverse effects on embryo or fetus. Patients born with congenital malformations have sequelae that influence their life quality. A bilbliographic rewiew about antenatal toxicology trough Latinsalud, Infomed and embryology books. We picked a group of 64 with scientific criteria, publication and author. We discarded 31 repeated, checked 186 bibliographic PubMed's summaries, Scielo, foxitsoftware themselves. Finally there were only 35 publications, in which various drugs, medications, chemical substances, occupational and the ambient- midway expositions were considered capable toxics to produce congenital defects, with a high mortality range during the intrauterine life, in the perinatal period and in premature life stages.

Palabras clave : teratogens; congenital malformations; congenital abnormalities.

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