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Revista Cubana de Endocrinología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2953


GARCIA GARCIA, Yudit; MONTEAGUDO PENA, Gilda; PADRON DURAN, Rubén S.  y  GONZALEZ SUAREZ, Roberto. Assessment of the lipid alterations in polycystic ovaries syndrome and its relation to insulin-resistance. Rev Cubana Endocrinol [online]. 2010, vol.21, n.2, pp. 145-153. ISSN 1561-2953.

INTRODUCTION: the polycystic ovaries syndrome to exceed the reproductive axis due to its frequent association with metabolic and cardiovascular alterations. OBJECTIVE: based on above mentioned a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted to determine the frequency and the characteristic of lipid alterations en a group of women diagnosed with polycystic ovaries and its relation to alterations in insulin-sensitivity. METHODS: twenty three women were studied according to Androgen Excess Society criteria, hormonal and lipid determinations were made as well as fasting glycemia and insulinemia to assess the insulin-sensitivity. RESULTS: the 95,6% of patients presenting with dyslipemia. The more frequent lipid alterations were a decrease of the high density lipoproteins (cHDL) and apolipoproteins (Apo) (91,3 and 87,0 %, respectively) whereas the increase of triglycerides(Tg) and the total cholesterol (tC) were infrequent (13 and 4,3 %, respectively). The estimated lipid rates: Tg/cHDL, Ct/cHDL, cHDL/cLDL and Apo B/A-I had higher mean values in women with insulin-resistance; the Apo B/A-I rate had the greater difference in women with insulin-resistance and without it. CONCLUSION: the lipid alterations frequency in study women suggest that in expression of polycystic ovaries syndrome could be involved many metabolic and hormonal factors.

Palabras clave : polycystic ovaries syndrome; dyslipemia; insulin-resistance; lipid rates.

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