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Revista Cubana de Endocrinología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-2953


HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ, José  y  LICEA PUIG, Manuel Emiliano. Role of physical exercise in persons presenting with diabetes mellitus. Rev Cubana Endocrinol [online]. 2010, vol.21, n.2, pp. 182-201. ISSN 1561-2953.

INTRODUCTION: physical exercise is one of the more ancient methods used in treatment of diabetes mellitus and it is one of its fundamental pillars together with dietary therapy, diabetes education and the use of normoglycemic and hypoglycemic drugs. OBJECTIVES: to discuss on the more relevant features of the physical exercise role in persons presenting with diabetes mellitus. DEVELOPMENT: in cases of diabetes mellitus, the aerobic exercises are recommended, although nowadays the use of resistance exercises with small loads is not contraindicated in non-complicated diabetic patients. Its systemic practice has many benefits for the diabetes mellitus patient including the improvement of metabolic control, as well as a delay in appearance of cardiovascular diseases and the improvement of wellbeing and quality of life of those practicing it. Also, in non-diabetic persona it may to help to prevent the disease. Exercise practice is not free from risks particularly in those with complications. The hypoglycemia is the more frequent observed complication, a situation that may be prevented adjusting the therapeutical regime (diet and drugs). The physical activity is contraindicated in the diabetic persons with decompensation because of it worsen the metabolic status. The practice of high danger sports is not recommended in diabetes mellitus patients. CONCLUSIONS: the physical exercise is a fundamental pillar in treatment of diabetes mellitus even in its prevention.

Palabras clave : physical exercise; diabetes mellitus; metabolic control; prevention.

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