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Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3003


CASTANEDA BARBERAN, Denia et al. Characterization of extremely severe maternal morbidity in the province of Camagüey, 2009. Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol [online]. 2013, vol.51, n.1, pp. 4-15. ISSN 1561-3003.

Introduction: extremely severe maternal morbidity is closely associated with maternal death and a valid alternative as an indicator of the quality of maternal health care. Therefore, its control and analysis constitute an accurate, precise method to evaluate health status. Objective: characterize extremely severe maternal morbidity in Camagüey. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from January to December 2009 of 72 patients diagnosed with extremely severe maternal morbidity at Camagüey maternal hospitals and the Intensive Care Unit at the Provincial Hospital, following classification criteria. Data about the pregnant women's prenatal and hospital care were obtained from their medical records. Results: the over-35 age group prevailed. The risk factors identified were malnutrition, arterial hypertension, anemia and vaginal infection. Conclusions: the condition was mostly diagnosed during delivery, obstetric hemorrhage being the main cause of morbidity.

Palabras clave : extremely severe morbidity; epidemiology; maternal well-being.

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