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vol.11 número3Una valoración integral del programa de la asignatura "Introducción a la medicina general integral" de la carrera de MedicinaServicio de infectología en los hospitales pediátricos. Una metodología de trabajo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3194


HERNANDEZ ALONSO, Dianelys; MARTINEZ CRUZ, Olga Lidia; DOMINGUEZ DOMINGUEZ, Leopoldina  y  HERNANDEZ CUBILLA, María Mayra. Propuesta metodológica. Vinculación del programa farmacología I con la medicina natural tradicional. Perfil de servicios farmacéuticos: Methodological proposal. Linking the syllabus of Pharmacology I with Natural Traditional Medicine. Profile of Pharmaceutical Services. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.3, pp. 259-267. ISSN 1561-3194.

This work is about a proposal to incorporate knowledge of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the syllabus of Pharmacology I, a subject that is taught in the profile of Pharmaceutical Services at Health Technology Major. The aim of this proposal is: to link the syllabus established in the specialty with these medical alternative and, at the same time, to promote it as a current and beneficial therapy in the modern world to achieve motivation in the future professionals. Starting from the link of the specialty-comprising Natural and Traditional Medicine in its study- with the paramedic personnel who is in charge of preparing the drugs (phyto and api medications) thus, knowledge about the active plants should be developed having as an advantage the application of those medications which do not produce adverse effects when administered. In each of the topics the modalities of api and phyto medications, acupuncture, stimulating exercises, massages and other terms are incorporated to encourage students to investigative systematically and apply knowledge obtained by experience or study in the daily practice.


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