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vol.11 número3Cómo realizar una clase modelo de una asignatura o disciplinaEl componente investigación dentro del proceso docente educativo para elevar formación profesional índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3194


MUSA RODRIGUEZ, Miriam et al. Importance of the breast cancer detection program for medical students. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.3, pp. 324-331. ISSN 1561-3194.

The early detection of breast cancer is very important because it continues to be the second cause of death in Cuban women. Among the National Health Systems, the National Program on cosmetics with a category within the concept of beauty , which according to Aristoteles lies on harmony , proportion and measurement disappears in a woman who has undergone a radical surgery (mastectomy). A woman with a late breast cancer diagnosis needs a mutilating surgical procedure of the breast gland, and it damages her spiritual sphere with a contrary influence on the social relationships. The medical practice to prevent this condition is the use of a screening program in female population as the only way for the early diagnosis of the hidden masses of the breast glands by means of mammography in every 50 and 64 year old women or those with known risk factors. In our daily practice during 16 years the self examination of the breasts, as well as the attempts to change risk factors such as the smoking habit and the non breast feeding are means for basing the development of the community general culture, which is considered an important task in the medical students.


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