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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río

versión On-line ISSN 1561-3194


MARTINEZ TORRES, Geisell et al. Knowledge of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in pre-university students. San Juan y Martinez municipality. Rev Ciencias Médicas [online]. 2012, vol.16, n.5, pp. 66-76. ISSN 1561-3194.

Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and weakens the immune system destroying it progressively and attacking cells that act of coordinators of the immunological system, provoking a response of the immunological defence. Objective: to determine knowledge of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in adolescents studying in an urban pre-university institute. Material and Method: a type of observational, descriptive, cross-sectional research was conducted in an urban area of San Juan y Martinez municipality during January-May 2012 in adolescents studying in a pre-university institute. Results: knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevailed in female sex; they knew it is a sexual transmitted-infection, pointing out semen as the main way of transmission for HIV/AIDS, sexual abstinence as the most effective to avoid the infection; they not all the times wear condoms, the majority talk to their parents about sexuality and HIV/AIDS topics. Conclusions: the greatest part of the students referred HIV/AIDS is a sexually-transmitted disease, and that it is necessary to create programs toward sexual education in order to increase knowledge of this venereal disease.

Palabras clave : Adolescent; Sexual and reproductive health; Contraception; HIV.

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