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Gaceta Médica Espirituana

versión On-line ISSN 1608-8921


LUNA PENTON, Yanisleidy; BARRETO ORTEGA, Miguel; PEREZ GARCIA, Lizandro Michel  y  RODRIGUEZ PIMIENTA, Esther María. Morbidity of the buccomaxillofacial defects in Sancti Spíritus. November 1998-December 2010. Gac Méd Espirit [online]. 2016, vol.18, n.1, pp. 33-43. ISSN 1608-8921.

Background: The knowledge of the morbidity of the buccomaxillofacial defects offers valuable information that allows to be used after guaranteeing an integral attention to the patients with these defects. Objective: To determine the morbidity and to characterize the buccomaxillofacial defects in the Provincial General Hospital Camilo Cienfuegos. Sancti Spíritus. Methodology: It was carried out a descriptive study of traverse cut, in a population constituted by 475 patients that received treatment in the Department of buccomaxillofacial Prosthesis between November 1998 and December 2010. The theoretical, empiric and statistical level methods were used. Results: Prevailed the group of age from 60 and more years old (38,1 %) and the masculine sex (75,4 %). the ocular defect prevailed (73,9 %) and the traumatic etiologic factor (56,6 %). The prosthesis more required per years was the ocular one with 351 and the most representative year was 2001. Conclusions: Was observed a prevalence in the group of age from 60 years old and more, and the masculine sex. As for the localization the ocular defect turned out to be the most represented one, in almost fourth three parts of the population , with a prevalence of the trauma like causal factor. The ocular prosthesis was most demanded and its quantity behaved in an irregular way in the different years.

Palabras clave : Oral and maxillofacial defects; maxillofacial trauma; epidemiology; maxillofacial prosthesis.

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