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Revista Médica Electrónica

versión On-line ISSN 1684-1824


PADILLA SUAREZ, Ernesto; SUAREZ ISAQUI, Lázaro; TROYA BORGES, Eddy  y  MARTINEZ ABREU, Judit. Medical evaluation in primary health care. Rev. Med. Electrón. [online]. 2014, vol.36, n.2, pp. 230-237. ISSN 1684-1824.

Family medicine develops in very rich scenery (primary care level or primary health care) from the professional point of view, but at the same time it is very complex due to the diversity of events taking place during the social interchange. The basic health care team, headed by the physician, has to arrive to a conclusion, called diagnosis in medicine, according to the place, moment and examined situation (acting level). If they deal with the  individual plan, the case ends in one of the dispensary groups; if they work in the familiar plane, they should close this social group as a family without health problems or with health problems revealing which is(are) the affected area(s); at the communitarian level, they know the population health status, analyzing the health situation. That is, there are three evaluative moments in contrast to secondary and third health care professionals, who practice the diagnosis in the individual plan in most of the cases and do not have the possibility of combining the other two evaluations that enrich general vision that is how the individual develops and grows. We have to take always into account that health is a social product, and family medicine makes good use of this possibility, cause of its advantages and strengths.

Palabras clave : family medicine; medical evaluation; clinical method; dispensarization; familiar evaluation; health situation analysis.

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