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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica

versión On-line ISSN 1684-1859


PAEZ CASTILLO, Rosa Maria et al. Multimedia. Bucal surgery. Generalities. RCIM [online]. 2017, vol.9, n.2, pp. 151-162. ISSN 1684-1859.

It constitutes a challenge to synchronize the teaching educational process with the clinic work in the superior medical education. The creation of didactic materials in electronic format allows the development of projects and innovative experiences that facilitates the teaching-learning process, without violating bioethical principles. The work consists on a Multimedia project as a teaching medium that facilitates the necessary information for the learning of the Buccal Surgery to the Stomatology student. The making of this multimedia had as purpose to provide an educational didactic material of consultation and of support to the teaching with a methodology of a more flexible teaching that allows the student to optimize the time that they dispose for the formation of the surgical indispensable abilities, before exercising the complex technics in a patient. The programs of this subject were revised and according to the objectives the necessary topics were selected, including some that the student should already have conquered and that doesn't have the time to reaffirm them, but are indispensable for the theoretical-practical base of the subject. A very methodologically organized structure was designed choosing the forms of teachings and the appropriate images. This structure was inserted in an appropriate platform for its best realization and understanding. The digitization was done by means of scanner or by downloading from the internet; in other cases, like it happened to most of the images, images of x-rays or other graphics were photographed and/or they were designed, edited or optimized with professional tools. The medium were organized and compiled with the application Crheasoft, to obtain a supported Multimedia autoexecutable.

Palabras clave : multimedia; buccal surgery; stomatology; surgical abilities; crheasoft.

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