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vol.6 número1Estrategias de aprendizaje-enseñanza e inteligencias múltiples: ¿Aprendemos todos igual?Neutralidad axiológica de la ciencia. Contribución a la reflexión índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Humanidades Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1727-8120


JIMENEZ MACIAS, Ivonne; DE LA PAZ CARMONA, Alina; PORTELL GUTIERREZ, Yanet  y  CANINO MENDEZ, Niurka. Morbility and infant abuse: 14 years in a Psycology office. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2006, vol.6, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1727-8120.

A descriptive traversal study was carried out to the juvenile- infant population from 7 to 14 years old assisted in the psychology Service of the “Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz” Policlinic in Camaguey during the year 2004 to know morbility behavior in consultation, to determine presence of infant abuse in the studied children and to relate its forms with the morbility found out to specify the antecedents of innate lower weight and prematurity in abuse children as well as the presence and intensity of depression in them. The universe was constituted by 90 corresponding to the source of data appeared in the individual clinical records elaborated in the doctor’s office, to whom were applied a group of taken questionaries of consulted bibliography and that become the primary registration of the investigation. The data were processed by methods of descriptive statistics and the results were expressed in texts, charts and diagrams. It was found that the most frequent affections in Psychology consultation were the inadequate family situations (Ifs), the situational transitory dysfunctions (STD) in Its, the infantile neurosis and the anxious syndrome in Ifs present in the 52.2 % (47 patients). In the 85.6% of the studied children abuse existed, prevaling in the male sex between 7 and 1º0 years old; the predominant forms of abuse were: emotional, negligence in care and physical. The 85.7% of the mistreated children (66 children) presented depression. It was not representative the presence of innate lower weight and prematurity in the mistreated children.


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