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vol.6 número1Neutralidad axiológica de la ciencia. Contribución a la reflexiónLa práctica social de las comadronas en Nuevitas antes del Triunfo de la Revolución índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Humanidades Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1727-8120


RUBIO AGUIAR, Rolando; HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ, José Emilio; LORET DE MOLA LOPEZ, Enrique  y  ROCA MORALES, Fermín. Assimilating Levels and cognitive proficiency levels.: Reflections on these issues. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2006, vol.6, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1727-8120.

The use of acting level category has generated inn the pedagogic practice lots of controverses around the similarity and differentiation degrees regarding to the assimilations levels of content already known, consequently, to offer some reflections on this relationships is the main purpose of the present work. This article analyses general considerations on the three levels of assimilation through which the treatment of the content in the students´ learning-teaching process goes. It is carried out an opposition to the actingº level category to evaluate the excellence degree with which they should show knowledge, the abilities and capacities, and valuations are offered about the differentiation between both categories and their respective range in the frame of the learning-teaching process.


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