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Humanidades Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1727-8120


DEL RISCO TURINO, Carlos Alberto; TORRES ARMENTEROS, Ana Lidia; MACIAS LLANES, María Elena  y  DEL RISCO VELOZ, Diana. Informed Consent in Major Lower Limb Amputations. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2016, vol.16, n.2, pp. 273-284. ISSN 1727-8120.

Research is conducted to improve the process of obtaining informed consent for major amputations due to vascular causes in the Angiology Service of the Manuel Ascunce Domenech Teaching Hospital. Deficiencies were identified in the institutionalization of informed consent protocols, most specifically as they relate to major lower limb amputations. Empirical methods and techniques were used. Thirty patients at imminent risk of amputation were surveyed by questionnaire methods; 64% of those surveyed were of 65 years of age, 73% were female, all of them had an average educational level, and 73% were urban residents. The results indicated that 54% of patients recognized the importance of informed consent in cases of amputation, although a rather considerable group (37%) declined this right for their families. Physicians were also interviewed and, although there was no unanimity of criteria, all of them considered that this consent should be legislated as part of the improvement of health services.

Palabras clave : bioethics; informed consent; bigger amputations, angiology and vascular surgery.

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