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versión On-line ISSN 1727-897X


PINA LOYOLA, Carmen; GONZALEZ DEBEN, Marta  y  QUINONES CEBALLOS, Alfredo. Relation between the morphometric parameters of Thymus and fetal weight. MediSur [online]. 2009, vol.7, n.2, pp. 18-24. ISSN 1727-897X.

Background: When we are born, thymus weighs about 10 or 13 g. This organcan develop as a result of the interaction among various factors that havebeen classified as physiological and pathological. Some studies toestablish morphological patterns of this organ have reported dissimilarresults. Objective: To determine morphometric parameters of thymus and itrelation with foetus weight in Cienfuegos province between the years2003-2008. Methods: A correlational, descriptive, observational study wascarried out in the period between May, 2003 and May 2008. We took a sampleof thymus of 147 cases of foetal death, out of a total of 151 cases, fromthe 17th gestational week to the end of the gestation period. Besides, wecarried out measurements of this organ such as weight, height, with,thickness and volume whose variability was analyzed in relation withfoetal weight. Results: There was correspondence between the gestationalage and foetal weight. The morphometric parameter of thymus augmented inrelation with foetal weight, being significant for foetal weights over1500 g, where the morphologic variables of thymus reached values twofoldthose of the previous range. Conclusions: The more the foetus stays in theuterus the greater is its morphological and organic development, which isrelated with the inherent characteristics of intrauterine development forfoetal period.

Palabras clave : Thymus gland; anthropometry; body weights and measures; fetal development.

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