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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X


SOSA RODRIGUEZ, Iria; PEREZ BORREGO, Amparo; MAYAN REINA, Grissel  y  ONATE PRADA, Maikel J. Periodontal emergencies in diabetic patients. Rev haban cienc méd [online]. 2010, vol.9, suppl.5, pp. 622-629. ISSN 1729-519X.

A descriptive, transversal and observational study was performed from February 2008 to March 2009, with the objective to determine the deeds of Periodontal Emergencies among 84diabetic patients attending their respective Family Practice Clinics belonging to "Rene Bedia Morales" Policlinic, from Santiago de las Vegas, Havana City, provided their informed consent. Different variables were studied: age, sex, presence of Acute Ultranecrotizing Gingivitis, Recurrent Aphtous Stomatitis, Gingival Abscess and Periodontal Abscess, all of them being related to the total amount of Periodontal Emergencies found in this population. The results show that diabetic patients draw on very often to suffer periodontal emergencies, with the prevalence of the periodontal abscess. The age group most affected by Acute Ultranecrotizing Gingivitis and Recurrent Aphtous Stomatitis was the one from 35 to 39 years, mostly females. Gingival Abscess prevailed in the age group less than 35 years. Periodontal Abscess was the most frequent emergencies in patients over 59 years, with no sex differences.

Palabras clave : Diabetes Mellitus; Acute Ultranecrotizing Gingivitis; Recurrent Aphtous Stomatitis; Periodontal Abscess; Gingival Abscess; Periodontal Emergencies.

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