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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X


GARMENDIA, Fermín  y  LOPEZ DIAZ, Zoila del S. Craniofacialsynostosis malformations a study in our department (1992- 2009). Rev haban cienc méd [online]. 2010, vol.9, suppl.5, pp. 688-696. ISSN 1729-519X.

Craniofacialsynostotic malformations and morpho-volume alterations of the skull and the face of discussed etiopathogenesis and early surgical treatment have motivated a longitudinal and retrospective research of a 108 subjects who underwent surgery of craniosynostosis taking into consideration the following variables: age, sex, type of craniosynostosis, imaging and neurophysiologic studies either pre or post operatory, as well as during and post operatory complications; resulting in the following : predominant age 1 year (51.9%), male (83.3%), type of craniosynostosis of greater number of presence, scafocephaly (68 children/63%). The pre operatory imaging studies.: were simple radiography of the skull of three views showing greater number of times an image diagnosis, with increased presence of digit forms impressions (18 patients/16.6%); whereas skull CT scan allowed to early diagnose (7 children/6.5%) signs of hydrocephaly and the presence of cerebral atrophy, (27 subjects/25%); essential diagnostic images to confirm early diagnosis of craniosynostosis. Neurophysiologic studies (EEG), pathologic (73 patients /67.5%), with no result in follow up studies after six months of surgery. Having little presence of complications during or post operatory; however, one sudden death occurred (0.9%), in the immediate post operatory (72 hours).

Palabras clave : Craniosynostosis malformations Craniofacial malformations; Craniosynostosis; europhysiologic & Imaging Findings Treatment; Complications.

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