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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X


CASTRO ABREU, Idania. Knowledge and risk factors of sexual transmiting infections in adolescents. Rev haban cienc méd [online]. 2010, vol.9, suppl.5, pp. 705-716. ISSN 1729-519X.

A survey was done with adolescents of the Fructuoso Rodriguez High School, located in Punta Brava town, La Lisa Municipality. During the months of January and March of 2008, a simple model 95% reliable by change was obtained and the data were processed by means of the porcentage calculus and put on boards. General points of view were considered according to the social way of life and quantity of people to identify the risk factors about this subject there was a predominance of the feminine sex, in the students from 13 to 14 years old of the ninth grade. The females had the best preparation about how to prevent the sexual- transfer- infection. We observed difficulties identifying the clinic declare of the ITS. We appreciated that the minority of the students have already started the sexual relationship. In the survey was demonstrated the existence of the risk- sexual- practicing such as: Precocious start age between 12.5 and 13.7, erroneous motivation to start the sexual life (curiosity and search of a support affection), the great number of them have had more than 3 sexual couple, although the used condom as a means of protection, it was not used with an appropriate frequency. In our research we did not found students with ITS . A strategy to improve the adolescents knowledge about the ITS.

Palabras clave : conocimiento y factores de riesgo; Knowledge and risk factors; sexual transmitting infections (STI).

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