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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X


CABRERA ABRAHANTE, Sheila Aniuska  y  SUAREZ CRUZ, Reynaldo. Global cardiovascular risk In a population of combatants. Rev haban cienc méd [online]. 2012, vol.11, n.3, pp. 348-360. ISSN 1729-519X.

Introduction: in the 90s, to new concept was born to optimize the treatment in our patients, because it was learned that the association of different risk factors interacting with each other increases the risk of suffering cardiovascular illness, this establishes the concept Cardiovascular Global of Risk. Objective: to determine the Global Cardiovascular risks according to the charts of the OMS recommended for Cuba by combatants. Method: a descriptive observational investigation was carried out, where the global cardiovascular risk was determined by combatants of the Combinado del este, abril 2010-2011. 102 patients over 40 were studied, chosen according to the exclusive criteria in a previous consultation. Results: 60.7% of the total patients had a low global cardiovascular risk (low RCVG), 14.7% had a medium cardiovascular risk (medium RCVG) and 24.5% had a high cardiovascular risk (high RCVG), taking into consideration that 69.6% of the patients represented were between 40 and 49, in those that 10.8% had high RCVG. 70.6% were smokers, 48% diabetics and 77.4% had hypertension. In our study, 77 patients with low and medium global cardiovascular risk 58(75.3%) showed one risk factor at least that are not contemplated in this models with a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Conclusions: the incidence of the cardiovascular illness increases every day and it affects all of the populations, including the relatively young ones. Frequently, parameters that are not contemplated in the charts of RCVG contribute to a higher risk of suffering these pathologies.

Palabras clave : global cardiovascular risk; risk factors; cardiovascular disease.

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