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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X


ALEMANY DIAZ-PERERA, Claudia et al. Social factors of the teenagers´ lifestyles in a family doctor´s office of the Primary Health Attention. Rev haban cienc méd [online]. 2017, vol.16, n.3, pp. 454-468. ISSN 1729-519X.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The adolescence is one of the most important moments in the human life, as all period of transition it is subject to a series of decisive and external factors able to modify the state of health. Objective: To determine the social factors that influence in the lifestyles of the teenagers in the Clinic 9, belonging to the "Luis de la Puente Uceda" policlinic. Material and Methods: It was carried out a study of transverse court among the months of May from 2014 to February of 2015. Results: the low consumption of fruits, vegetables and the slight physical activity without complementary exercises prevails. The teenagers that live in homes that have many households increase the percentage of "good lifestyles" from 14, 5% to 23, 1% and it diminishes the percentage of "bad or very bad lifestyles" from 27, 6% to 7,7%. In the homes with a smaller number of households, if the family is nuclear, the percentage of "bad and very bad lifestyles", decreases from 38, 0% to 13,3%. If the family is extensive or enlarged the percentage of "bad and very bad lifestyles" is increased from 38,0% to 48,6%. Conclusions: The social factors have an influence on the presence of non-healthy lifestyles in the teenagers. The social factors that have the bigger influences are the biggest holding of households, as marker of good economic condition, and teenagers that live in nuclear families.

Palabras clave : teenagers; social factors; lifestyles; family; primary attention of health.

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