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versão On-line ISSN 1814-151X


TORRES-SERRANO, Rebeca; PAEZ-PEREZ, Vilma  e  RODRIGUEZ-PENA, Julio César. Project-based learning in Translation education: methodological implications at the University of Holguin. Luz [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.2, pp. 59-73.  Epub 15-Jun-2023. ISSN 1814-151X.

The project-based learning approach is a teaching method in which students develop competences through professional experiences. It is a quite useful method to develop basic and professional competences, which has proven its relevance to translation and interpretation education through the years. This article aims at depicting the results of the PhD research entitled “The development of the cognitive competence as a necessary axe for translators and interpreters’ education at the University of Holguin”, that places the project-based learning approach as an integrative methodology to develop basic and professional competences in translators and interpreters’ education. Integration is a key category to the research not only within the teaching methodology bust also within the research methods: theoretical, empirical and statistical. The translation project as an integrative methodology in Translation Education is corroborated in a case study that accounts for the professional growth of the participants.

Palavras-chave : project-based learning; translation education; professional competences; cognitive competence; translation competence.

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