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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7696


LUGO BLANCO, Ángel Caridad; ALVAREZ YONG, Concepción  y  LEZCANO MEDEROS, Eduardo Toribio. The social problems and the scientific education. Rev. Mendive [online]. 2022, vol.20, n.1, pp. 302-314.  Epub 02-Mar-2022. ISSN 1815-7696.

The contemporary time is claiming a technological scientific formation that goes to overcome the conceptual reductionism, focus in the learning of certain system of scientific knowledge and of certain specific abilities of the science, in order to prosecute appropriately, with scientific-technological foundation, the problems that take place in its daily reality and to assume its holding in responsibly the taking of decisions at the level that correspond to them, adopting a consequent attitude with it. The present work has as objective to value the social problems that have tinged the process of scientific education in the initial preparation of the professors of Biology that allows us to promote positive attitudes toward care and protection of the biological species from the perspective science-technology- society-environment, limiting the correspondence from the same one to the current scientific-technological context, influenced by the social decisions. So as to obtain the results were used the analysis and synthesis methods and the documentary study, those that showed the existence of factors that block the good development of the scientific education in the initial formation of these professors. It is considered that from an operative intellectual vision of the scientific knowledge, descontextualized of the social problems that affect the humanity, it is not insert mode harmoniously the educational work, neither to improve the development of trials, securities and attitudes that should characterize the professional and citizen that our society needs in these times.

Palabras clave : initial formation; scientific education.

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