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vol.19 número3Determinación de propiedades físico-mecánicas del material componente de un neumático de tractorInfluencia del momento de inercia del tambor y de diferentes ángulos de alimentación constantes sobre el calibre de las partículas de forraje procesado con picadores del tipo de tambor con alimentación manual. Parte I índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2071-0054


HERRERA PRAT, Mario Ignacio; GARCIA DE LA FIGAL COSTALES, Armando Eloy; DE LAS CUEVAS MILAN, Héctor  y  MARTINS TEIXEIRA, Mauri. Simulation by means of dynamics of having flowed by computer (CFD) the current of air an agricultural sprayer with fan centrifuges. Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2010, vol.19, n.3, pp. 62-68. ISSN 2071-0054.

The use of aided sprayer of current of air for the application of defensive agricultural it constitutes a necessity in the control of plagues in fruit-bearing. The spraying machines that transport the pesticide drop with current of air are those that lost adults present. The process is complex when combining the size of the drop and the aerodynamics of the current of air in interaction with the conditions of the climate and with the movement of the sprayers. The dynamics of having flowed by computer (CFD) it constitutes a valuable tool for the analysis and study of the current of air, it allows to visualize the phenomenon and the variation in simple way of the experimentation conditions. The aerodynamics of the current of air of the sprayer MARTIGNANI, that uses the centrifugal fan MAJOR that distributes its air in four exits, was studied. Starting from the speed of the air in the exits and their distribution will proceed to the simulation of the current of air. The effect was studied in the current of air of the movement of the sprayer MARTIGNANI for speeds of 2,18, 4,5 and 6,35 km/h. It is characterized the aerodynamics of the sprayer and the most rational work regimes to use.

Palabras clave : spraying machine; work speed; current of air.

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