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vol.21 número4Simulación Numérica de la Interacción Suelo-Apero Mediante el Método de Elementos DiscretosFactibilidad económica del empleo de las herramientas de agricultura de precisión en la Empresa Pecuaria “Niña Bonita” índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2071-0054


VALDES HERNANDEZ, Pedro A; MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZ, Arturo  y  VALENCIA OROZCO, Yoanis. Experimental validation calculation model of the productivity for the drum type forage chopper with hand feeding. Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2012, vol.21, n.4, pp. 12-18. ISSN 2071-0054.

The carried out investigation, it presents as objective to expose the obtained results during the experimental validation calculation model of the productivity (suction capacity), the forage chopper machines of thick shafts of the drum type with hand feeding, derived of the physical-mathematics modelation previously carried out of their technological process, taking like base for the experiments the variety sugar cane C323-68, being that of more use in Cuba for the livestock feeding. Does the mathematical physical modelation of the process allow the prediction the productivity for the angles different of the evaluated ramp, obtaining for a ξr = 6, 14 y 25o values between 19, 04 and 4, 4% for C = 1 y 3 shafts respectively, with a significance level 1%, for rational values of the moment inertia the drum. The rationalization of the moment inertia in the forage chopper of national production model MF-IIMA EM-01 produced for the angles of feeding ramp but high, slight increments of the productivity and that this is due to the achievement of smaller fluctuations in the angular speed of the drum.

Palabras clave : forage chopper; productivity; feeding angle and moment inertia.

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