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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versão On-line ISSN 2071-0054


RODRIGUEZ PEREZ, Emilio; BONET BORJAS, Carlos Manuel  e  PEREZ QUINONES, Liyen. Proposal of maintenance system to the vehicles of urban and agricultural transport of a base of load transport . Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2013, vol.22, n.2, pp. 61-67. ISSN 2071-0054.

The maintenance is an activity typical of the Engineering that at the moment uses several resources such as sophisticated measure instruments, powerful computer equipments, and specific software. When it is used an appropriate maintenance system, either in a urban or agricultural transport base. The company has a powerful tool that helps it in the obtaining of earnings in the process of production of this company and it also assures the state, the technical characteristics of the equipments that are exploited in the company. In this work they propose new work methods, methodologies, formats to conceive new letters of daily maintenance, to the departure and arrival of each trip and ways to introduce and to interrelate modern philosophies of the maintenance management. It also applies mathematical techniques to validate results obtained due to qualitative studies which showed quantitative valuable information that allowed an effective taking of decisions. The proposed improvements were already implanted in some companies, being shown in the investigation after a technical study. Economic as these brought great economic benefits to these companies, materializing this in considerable increases of the coefficient of technical disposition of the fleet, as well as stable operation of the vehicles during their exploitation.

Palavras-chave : Engineering; philosophies; technician; economic; management.

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