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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2071-0054


MARIA GUZMAN, Tania; CUENCA, Karina  y  TACURI, Elizabeth. Posharvest Characterization of Castilla Blackberry (Rubus glaucus) Treated with 1-Methylcyclopropene. Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2018, vol.27, n.1, pp. 66-75. ISSN 2071-0054.

The effect of 1-MCP treatment on the main post-harvest parameters of Castilla blackberry (Rubus glaucus) during refrigerated storage was determined. The fruits were treated with a dose of 3 μL / L of 1-MCP for six hours at room temperature, and stored at two different temperatures (1 ° C and 12 ° C) for nine days leaving controls untreated. Blackberries treated with 1-MCP showed lower weight losses, color, firmness, and a lower degree of contamination, generating a lower maturity rate compared to control. Low temperature potentiated the effect of the inhibitor on the fruits, observing a greater delay in senescence at 1oC. According to the results obtained, it was observed that the treatment with 1-MCP combined with the low temperatures delays the deterioration of the Castilla blackberry fruit. It is recommended to perform tests at other temperatures and storage times and apply 1-MCP, immediately after harvest.

Palabras clave : Posharvest; 1-MCP; Rubus glacus; shelf life.

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